Music is a powerful catalyst for cognitive and emotional development, especially in very young children. From the soothing lullabies that calm a newborn to the rhythmic beats that make toddlers bounce with joy, music is a universal language that resonates with children from a very early age.
Cognitive enhancement:
Early exposure to music has been linked to accelerated brain development in areas crucial for language development, sound recognition, reading skills, and speech perception. Music will fundamentally a child’s brain’s architecture, fostering enhanced cognitive abilities that extend beyond musical notes.
Cultivates social skills:
Music is a conduit for emotional expression. It allows children to experience a range of emotions, from happiness to sadness, providing a cathartic release that can improve moods and reduce stress levels. Moreover, engaging with music can empower young children, giving them a medium to express themselves and connect with others.
Building Numeracy and Memory: 
The patterns and structures inherent in music are closely related to mathematical concepts. As children engage with music, they’re also honing their counting and sequencing skills, which are foundational for numeracy. Additionally, music aids in memory development, helping children retain information through melodies and rhythms.
Supports Physical Well-being:
Research has shown that music can even have a positive impact on the physical health of premature infants, reducing crying and improving vital signs. For older children, the physical act of playing an instrument or dancing to music develops motor skills and coordination.
So many benefits: 
Incorporating music into the lives of young children is more than a pastime—it’s an investment in their future. By exposing children to music, we’re not only nurturing future musicians but also cultivating well-rounded individuals with enhanced cognitive, emotional, and social capabilities. Let’s embrace the melody of education and unlock the full potential of our children’s development.
Learn more about Lucid Music's Tiny Tots program HERE held weekly at our Warriewood Studio.
Or let us come to you - We provide a tailored Tiny Tots program for Early Learning Centre (ELC) - Learn more HERE